Natalie Thorpe

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25-11-2024, 09:31

Get ready for 'A Rival's Knife'!

The date is official! The 29th of November 'A Rival's Knife' will be released in paperback and ebook format. This book picks up where the dramatic events of 'A Jackdaw's Feather' have left readers hanging so...   Meer

23-10-2024, 15:08

Title reveal!

Everyone who made it to the end of "A Jackdaw's Feather' was already 'in the know' but for all the rest I am happy to announce that title for the second book in The Wilt Trilogy is going to be (drumroll...)...   Meer

11-09-2024, 09:52

'A Jackdaw's Feather' release

Since 'A Jackdaw's Feather' has been released in ebook format, there has been a slight bump in the road with the release of the printed copies. No worries! Everything has been fixed but there is still some...   Meer

05-09-2024, 11:21

New novel in the works!

I know it's very early to be saying this, especially since The Wilt Trilogy hasn't even been fully published yet (book 1 is imminent, I promise!) but there is a new novel in the works. I just had to do...   Meer


'A Rival's Knife' release day!


Official release day of book 2 in The Wilt Trilogy: 'A Rival's Knife'

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